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Wholesale Accounts  »  

Ordering Rules and Pricing Discounts

Ordering Rules

You can custom your shopping cart so that the checkout option is not available unless they reach your order minimum.


With this solution, there are a number of different pricing scenarios including:

  • Two standard pricing options per SKU (list and wholesale for example)
  • A sale price for each SKU with start and stop dates for each SKU
  • Discounts by customer. For example, a larger customer might receive 5% off the standard wholesale price
  • Additionally, you can exclude specific plant SKUs from discounting. For example, you may not want to offer any discount on larger specimen trees or hard to find items

More complex pricing can be added including:

  • Volume discounts at the plant SKU level, i.e. 1-5 is $X and 6+ is $Y
  • Volume discounts at the order level, i.e. 5% off orders between $1,000 and $2,500 and 7.5% off orders over $2,500

Clarity Console tool allows users to set their own shopping cart/store variables.
Set your own shopping cart/store variables.